In our Women Like Us – Personal Stories Of Menopause series, Rebecca* and Lyndal* filled out our Q&A form and shared what menopause has meant for them.
Rebecca’s* personal story of menopause

MM: When did you first realise perimenopause had begun?
Rebecca: Six years ago – when I was only 37.
MM: Did you understand what perimenopause (as opposed to menopause) was?
Rebecca: Yes.
MM: Did you feel you were too young?
Rebecca: Yes.
MM: Were you shocked/surprised?
Rebecca: Yes.
MM: What have been a few of your major challenges, if any?
Rebecca: Hot flashes/night sweats, restless legs, trouble sleeping, weight gain, anxiety.
MM: How did you overcome these if you have?
Rebecca: I haven’t yet.
MM: What have you struggled with?
Rebecca: Every aspect of perimenopause.
MM: Has there been a turning point for you at any stage?
Rebecca: Yes – two days ago, when I started taking MenoMe.
MM: Do you understand this journey?
Rebecca: Yes.
MM: Has MenoMe® contributed to your experience?
Rebecca: I’ve only been taking MenoMe for three days, and for the last two nights I’ve had no night sweats – at all. In addition, I slept for six hours straight both nights. This is very unusual for me because I’m usually woken up with restless legs and hot flashes. I can hardly believe it, but the only thing I’ve done differently this week is start taking MenoMe.
Lyndal’s* personal story of menopause

MM: When did you first realise perimenopause had begun?
Lyndal: At 49 when my PMS Symptoms ramped up.
MM: Did you understand what perimenopause (as opposed to menopause) was?
Lyndal: Not really. It wasn’t until someone already using MenoMe explained it and recommended I try MenoMe.
MM: Did you feel you were too young?
Lyndal: Not really.
MM: Were you shocked/surprised?
Lyndal: A little.
MM: What have been a few of your major challenges?
Lyndal: Anxiety out of nowhere.
MM: How did you overcome these if you have?
Lyndal: Doing stuff that fills my tank – solitude, exercise, laughter.
MM: What have you struggled with?
Lyndal: Mood swings. Low libido. Weight gain.
MM: Has there been a turning point for you at any stage?
Lyndal: Yes about 14-16 weeks after taking MenoMe. I got my period one day and my husband and I celebrated the fact that I didn’t have PMS beforehand. This is the new norm!
MM: Do you understand this journey?
Lyndal: Yes, after loads of research.
MM: Has MenoMe® contributed to your experience?
Lyndal: MenoMe has helped immensely.
MM Is there anything else you would like to add?
Lyndal: I won’t ever stop taking MenoMe. It is an absolute game-changer.
As a result of it, I am so much more level throughout the month and my libido has improved!
And I have more energy as well as my hair fall has lessened.
Thanks for generously sharing your journey’s in our Personal Stories of Menopause collection Rebecca* and Lyndal*.
We know how different it can be for every woman and it’s by sharing your experience that other women can sometimes have a lightbulb moment.
Especially if they haven’t connected the dots between their experience and hormonal shifts.
Have you got a story to share in our Women Like Us Personal Stories Of Menopause series?
Get in touch with us today, we welcome personal shares.
*At Rebecca and Lyndal’s request, we have used pseudonyms. As such, Rebecca and Lyndal are not their real names.
Disclaimer – The time it takes to experience improvements from MenoMe® Merry Peri® & Perky Post® is variable. No two women are the same, results will vary, and results cannot be guaranteed.
If you’d like to try Merry Peri® or Perky Post® click the button below.